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Is ICYPAA A.A.?"Yes, ICYPAA is a part of A.A., as are young people in A.A. committees at the state and regional levels, as long as the events they organize are run by A.A. members, for A.A. members, and there is no other affiliation. ICYPAA is listed in our confidential A.A. directories under 'Special International Contacts.'" Reprinted from Box 4-5-9 (Vol. 54, No.1/February/March 2008, pg. 9) with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc. "From time to time the General Service Office is asked if ICYPAA and young people’s groups are “part of A.A.” The answer is definitely yes. ICYPAA and its attendees are committed to reaching out to newcomers–no alcoholic is ever turned away, regardless of age–and to involvement in all facets of A.A. service. In most local A.A. meeting directories, young people’s meetings are listed along with others, though in some areas asterisks may identify them as YPGs. Members of these groups often can be found serving at the national, state, area and group levels. ICYPAA conventions and conferences are vital A.A. activities and as such are listed in the Box 459 'Calendar of Events.'" Reprinted from Box 4-5-9 (Vol. 51, No.2/April/May 2005, pg. 7) with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
Does attending ICYPAA cost something? Do you have to pay to attend the meetings at ICYPAA?Yes. ICYPAA is a self-supporting A.A. event. Therefore, each attendee must register for the conference. Hosting a large-scale A.A. event takes money (it can cost between $100,000 and $200,000 to put on an ICYPAA). The host committee sets its registration fees at the rate they need in order to run a fiscally responsible event. A scholarship fund exists in order to help pay the registration fees for attendees who cannot afford the full registration amount. Please don’t let the cost of the registration fee keep you from attending ICYPAA.
Where does all the money go?Each year ICYPAA is budgeted to break even, meaning that the anticipated income is equal to the anticipated expenses. Typically ICYPAAs receive most of their income from registration fees, pre-conference events, and merchandise sales. Major expenses include line items such as audio-visual equipment and services for the main meetings and entertainment, merchandise, pre-conference event, food and beverage, and registration materials. The host committee also funds the annual operating budget of ICYPAA Inc. Sometimes when all of the bills are paid the host committee has excess funds left over. The host committee can distribute 50% of the excess funds to the local A.A. service structure as they see fit. The other 50% is passed on to ICYPAA Inc. In A.A., too much money sitting around without any stated purpose tends to create problems. The ICYPAA Advisory Council regularly contributes its excess funds to the General Service Office, Grapevine, and to fund other service projects.
Why is ICYPAA a corporation?ICYPAA Inc. 501(c)3 was incorporated in the State of Colorado on January 24, 1990. ICYPAA Inc. received a confirmation letter from the IRS stating its 501(c)3 status (dated 08/03/1990) becoming ICYPAA Inc. 501(c)3. The corporation was formed and the ICYPAA Advisory Council became ICYPAA Inc.’s Board of Directors. The Host Committee isn’t autonomous or separate in a legal sense; the ICYPAA Host Committee is an agent of the corporation ICYPAA Inc., the Board of Directors, and the Advisory Council. Bidding Committees are not part of the corporation. In the ever-increasing complexity of the doing business in the United States, it became necessary for ICYPAA to become accountable for itself. Setting up bank accounts, filing taxes, and protecting the conference experience demanded we become incorporated.
What do you mean by young?ICYPAA is open to all A.A. members of any age. Young means room to grow.
Is there childcare at ICYPAA? My son/daughter is planning on attending, will there be adults there to supervise?ICYPAA does not provide childcare, nor do we provide chaperones to minors.
When I register for ICYPAA, am I agreeing to anything more than just attending the Conference?All ICYPAA attendees are expected to abide by the guidelines outlined in the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies
How can I get in touch with YP in my area?The first thing to try is simply going to the meetings in your local area and keeping your eye out for other young people. Sometimes young A.A.s will gather at the local clubhouse meeting on a Friday or Saturday night, or at a meeting on a college campus. Look through your local meeting list for any meetings that refer to young people in their names. Do an internet search for young people in A.A. in your city or state. This should tell you if your state has a YPAA convention. Usually there’s an email contact for these events or a monthly meeting you can attend. Email us at and let us know where you are living. We can put you in touch with some of our friends who may be nearby. We can also invite you to our anonymous online community.
What do I need to do to get a bid committee going?If you and your friends have decided it’s time to form a bid committee for ICYPAA, set a date and time for your first meeting where you will elect the officers of your committee. Make sure to announce the date and time of this meeting to all the young people in your local area. Check the Relevant Business Data section of this website to download and study some of the committee positions and responsibilities that have been used by bid committees. Reach out to for access. Hold your elections and set up your regular meeting and you are on your way. Don’t forget to email us at to let us know you are bidding.
I don't live near ICYPAA, is there any way I can help out?Yes! Please help us spread the word about ICYPAA and carry the message of A.A. to the next alcoholic. You can contact the host committee and volunteer on the outreach committee. It doesn’t matter where you live, you will be invited to join the conference calls and be a part of the outreach committee. Please help us by distributing flyers and business cards or making announcements at the A.A. meetings you attend.
I'm 15 and think I might have a problem with drinking but all of the people in the A.A. meetings here are so much older than me. Can I really be an alcoholic?You certainly could be. Alcoholism can develop at any age. A.A. does not diagnose alcoholics. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether or not you have a problem with alcohol. Check out the pamphlet Is A.A. For You to help you decide. If you are the only person your age in A.A., we can help you. This is why ICYPAA exists. Many of us came to A.A. in places where there were very few young people in A.A. Email us at and we will help you connect with other young people in A.A. online or in your area.
Frequently Asked Questions
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